Creating an efficient study environment

Hina Imran

Effective learning involves more than just spending endless hours reading over textbooks; it also involves fostering an atmosphere that encourages attention and concentration. Your study environment has a significant impact on how productive and attentive you are; especially when you have exams coming up!


This can be notifications, noises and even procrastinating by ‘cleaning your room.’ A way to overcome this can be by using an app called ‘Flora.’ The app is a time management and focus app that allows yourself to assign tasks to a time limit. Flora will count down your time and reward you with a virtual plant or tree if you keep your focus; which in the end creates a beautiful garden. This can also be competitive with your friends or joint as each participant of a successful group focus session wins an additional tree grown by your peer.

To get into the flow of this you can try the ‘5 minute method’ This is where you do the task for 5 minutes and if motivated can continue, if not, you take a 5 minute break and try again.

Choosing the right location:

Choosing the right place to study is essential. Choose a room that is distraction-free, well-lit, and peaceful. A desk devoid of clutter or a special study area can assist in telling your brain when to concentrate. It is easier to recall information when there is natural light around since it can refresh your thoughts and lessen eye strain. Studying in bed or other relaxing areas could cause you to lose attention. Avoid doing this.

Organize Your Supplies:

Productivity requires that you have ready access to all of your study materials. Organise your stationery, textbooks, notes, and any other supplies you may need in an organised way. Clear thinking is facilitated by a clutter-free workspace, which also reduces the need for unneeded breaks to gather supplies.

Create a Study Schedule:

Having a structured study schedule helps create a sense of routine and purpose. Allocate specific time slots for different subjects or tasks. Break your study sessions into manageable chunks, using techniques like the Pomodoro technique (25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break) to maintain concentration and prevent burnout.

Stay Hydrated and Snack Smart:

Keeping yourself hydrated is crucial for optimal brain function. Keep a water bottle handy on your desk. Additionally, have healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, or granola bars nearby to fuel your brain during study breaks.

Utilise Technology Wisely:

While technology can be distracting, it can also enhance your studying. Use digital tools like note-taking apps, flashcard apps, Anki, and online resources to streamline your learning process. However, exercise caution and self-discipline to avoid wandering into unproductive online websites.


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