Best study methods to earn A*

Mehar Jawad

As students, it's inevitable to feel clueless about what to do next or how to start studying. We have those nights where we have absolutely no motivation or can't even get out of bed. Noteroo knows it and so we've gathered the best methods in achieving A*. Don't give up!

Feynman Technique

A personal favourite -  this technique involves reading over your material and then incorporating it into a lesson structure and acting out loud as if you're teaching it to someone or a class. Finding gaps in your knowledge and having difficulty in further explaining the topic can lead you to reread material and consistently go over it in your head for better retention.

The Pomodoro Technique

Though pomodoro literal meaning is tomato in italian, the technique is tomato free. Instead, it's a time management method that fairley determines how much you study with a corresponding time for a break. So for every 25 minutes of focused and efficient study meets with only a 5 minute break. It's preferred to not go on social media or start texting people as it could lead to weakness and make you more vulnerable to break the influence of the technique. Instead you could simply stretch or take a quick walk. Repeating the 25 minute study with 5 minute breaks can create consistent and better memory retention.

Mind Maps

For the more visual learners, mind maps are creative ways of writing knowledge onto paper. Without revising or looking at notes, start with using a blank paper, write a topic in the middle like a chapter from the textbook, then you write everything you can remember for the chapter or lessons. Once you’ve finished, read through the chapter and fill in the gaps with a different colour. Repeat the process until you're able to memorize everything.

Inversion learning

This is where you break down large difficult tasks such as long assignments into smaller manageable tasks. It can allow you to visualize how to structure your assignment more clearly and as if it was an exploded diagram. It can be best incorporated in the morning or whenever you're starting your work and it can improve the construction of a days to do list.

Doodling method

This one’s a bit funny! The doodling method consists of multi-tasking where your writing hand is occupied with random doodling while you read over your notes. This is scientifically effective because it uses muscle memory without the need of acknowledging what your hand is writing. It can be distracting though since you're doing two things at once, though it could work better for those who are better multitaskers.


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